Thursday, February 24, 2011

Thursday Night Poetry Jam

For now, I am in a small Lakeshow paradise. I watched most of the game last night through heavy goggles created by Sierra Nevada, shots of Fernet, and a pile of nachos in Silver Lake in a pink Mexican restaurant. Between Kobe fadeaways, I raved about the use of enchilada sauce in the nacho recipe- I highly recommend this little addition for superior nacho flavor. Needless to say, this morning was a little slow going. My brain just recently began to work.

I was going to take some time to discuss Khloe Kardashian, since I recently began following her on twitter. What a fucking mistake. Did you know she saw Monica in concert last night? I know! I don't care either!

Being that I am a little "under the weather," I've decided to start a new weekly blog called "Thursday Night Poetry Jam." I will post a poem, say a few words, then stare at the words for three hours before I go off to my job as a late night bartender. Feel free to stop by, watch me pour a beer, and talk shit.

jesse colin young

if only the dirt outside my window
would sprout youngbloods songs

I have thrown millions of seeds in the rain
across the brittle hard dirt
waiting for blossoms to shine through my ears
and change the weather in my mind
from gray to orange

I want to hear jesse colin young’s voice
surging up through the stems
and blasting out with the petals
a song about sunlight or getting together

a rose
would be more beautiful
if it wore his mustache
it is a mustache that makes me think
of making love at woodstock in 1969
inside the stream

this melodic mustache
made me locate point reyes station
and watch it carefully
on a satellite map
dreaming of living there with the driftwood
out on the edge of california
with animals and coastline
smoking dope with a friend
drawing pictures in the smoke
while he performs songs from the
dirt outside my window

(like a tree in a meadow wind she will bend to take you in makes no difference where you been that's the way she feels about you that's the way she feels about you - J C Y)

Although this poem lacks any type of classical, intellectual formula, I always dug it. I wrote it about five years ago during a time when I was super into The Youngbloods and smoking a healthy amount of grass. I was also trying to create poetry that didn't necessarily tell a story, but painted a picture more or less, of an emotion- that feeling you get when everything aligns in the universe, and the sun sets, and you smile, or conversely, when the world is falling apart, it is cold, and you are frowning. In this case, it's just pure california folk rock love. I love you JCY...


  1. Dig it! Nice work, Nitsuj. Looking forward to more Thursday Night Poetry posts.
