Wednesday, March 16, 2011


I'm currently in the process of adapting my new novel "Two More Seconds in the Electric Wilderness," a story about a photographer and lightning, into a screenplay. Lots of things have been going through my head. For example, is the title "Two More Seconds in the Electric Wilderness" too long for a film? Is it going to be shortened to something like "Electric?" I was wondering why "Push by Sapphire" became "Precious." I mean, is there that big of a difference between "Push" and "Precious?" I wonder how many people would have said, "I don't really feel like seeing 'Push.' 'Precious,' on the other hand, sounds intriguing." Personally, I would have rather watched "Apocalypse Now" for the 400th time anyways.

Some other things have crossed my mind as well. If you are a writer, or know someone who is, then you may know how we don't like to reuse words, unless we are doing it to create a literary style and tempo. I couldn't help but wonder how many times the words "zoom" and "super fast" came up in all six "Fast and Furious" screenplays. I think if I was in charge of titles, I would have changed "Fast and Furious" to "Zoom." I'd much rather see "Zoom" than "Fast and Furious." At least "Zoom" sounds like it could be a Michelangelo Antonioni film, whereas "Fast and Furious" sounds like it stars Peter North.

Maybe I should just forget about the title "Two More Seconds in the Electric Wilderness" and rename my screenplay "Zoom." That way, if I'm ever in a pitch meeting and they don't like the idea about a photographer and lightning, I can just change it to a story about lightning fast cars and a hot photographer chick who likes them. It's a win win. Hooray for Hollywood.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Personally, I can't wait to read the screenplay. The writing is brilliant!

  3. "Seconds in the Electric Wilderness" or "SEW".
    The "Two More" creates redundancy...
