Saturday, March 12, 2011

Turkey Tastes Good

I have been slacking on this blog for about a week now. But I have an excuse. Depression. It happens to me every now and again, and it is further augmented by events like, for example, losing to the Miami Heat and Lebron James for the second time this year. It is difficult being a manic depressive Lakers fan. But then, low and behold, I am pulled out of the darkness of myself with commercials like this which allow me to focus on more important things.

First off, how is it possible that Kobe Bryant is a better actor than a hired professional actor? I mean, the onion tears alone are worthy of some type of Actor's Studio review. Second, let's talk about the "suspension of disbelief" not at work here. Why on earth would Kobe Bryant ever trade his job with anyone on the planet? He literally has the best job ever. He takes a helicopter to work. He makes hundred's of millions of dollars. People love and fear him. Meanwhile, a "chef" for Turkish Airlines sounds a bit depressing. I'm assuming there isn't a kitchen onboard the Airbus, so I'm thinking the guy is stuck somewhere between LAX and Istanbul in a stuffy kitchen with flimsy vegetables and stinking shrimp preparing sub-par meals for faceless customers. He never gets a thank you, makes shit money, and goes home to Downey or a densely populated, slightly harsh, Turkish urban neighborhood. Can you even get drunk in Turkey?- because I know a few chefs and they need their booze- just like jockeys. I'm not saying there is anything wrong with Downey or Turkey, but, let's face it, Kobe will never visit, nor dwell in either area.

All in all, this Kobe commercial gets a D in my Film Studies 101 class. I know it's difficult to find anyone on the basketball court to upstage Kobe, but if actors can't even pull it off on a soundstage, then I want to know when The King's Speech 2 starring Kobe Bryant, with Lebron James playing the Queen, is coming out.

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